Aspnetcore: Unable to debug Blazor hosted webassembly 3.2.0 from Visual Studio 2019 16.6.2

Created on 13 Jun 2020  ·  38Comments  ·  Source: dotnet/aspnetcore

Describe the bug

I have Visual Studio 2019 16.6.2 installed, along with the .NET Core 3.1.301 SDK and all the necessary Blazor templates.

If I create a brand new Blazor WebAssmbly application, I can run it from Visual Studio by pressing Ctrl+F5 and it opens a new tab on my active browser window and starts fine.

But when I press F5, a new, separate browser window is opened instead of a tab in my main browser window (which is a pity), but the page remains at about:blank for a while until an error message appears in Visual Studio:

Failed to launch debug adapter.  Additional information may be available in the output window.

Unable to launch browser: 
"Could not open wss://localhost:5001/_framework/debug/ws-proxy?browser=wsAFFlocalhostA50821FdevtoolsFbrowserFceed3b95-58ac-470a-b10c-5d139cfd7117": timeout after 60000ms

Whether the Blazor WebAssembly application is "Hosted" or not doesn't make a difference.

I've followed the steps in the Enforce HTTPS in ASP.NET Core, but that made no difference either.

If, while waiting for the about:blank window to crash, I manually open the client side url on a browser tab, the app loads and the debugger breakpoints are hit.
During the short while before it goes on to crash, if I hit Shift+Alt+D I always get the following error:

Unable to find debuggable browser tab
Could not get a list of browser tabs from Ensure your browser is running with debugging enabled.


If you are using Microsoft Edge (80+) for your development, follow these instructions:
Press Win+R and enter the following:

msedge --remote-debugging-port=9222 --user-data-dir="C:\Users\[my_username]\AppData\Local\Temp\blazor-edge-debug" --no-first-run https://localhost:44372/

I get this each and every time, no matter how often I run the command (having closed all browser instances, rebooted, etc)

This happens in both Edge 84 (Edgium) and Chrome.

I should be able to create a new Blazor WebAssembly app and hit F5 on Visual Studio out of the box. What am I missing?

=============== UPDATE ==================

I've just tried using "old Edge" (EdgeHtml) and Firefox as the debug browser in Visual Studio, and both work as expected (meaning that the application at least starts up when pressing F5). The problem apears to be both Chromium-based browsers then...

=============== UPDATE 2 ==================

Removing the IIS Express section from launchSettings.json on the Server project allows VS 2019 to start Kestrel up and that does load the Blazor Wasm app on a new browser window. Shift+Alt+D still fails with Unable to find debuggable browser tab, though.

To Reproduce

Just create a fresh Blazor WebAssembly from Visual Studio and press F5

Further technical details

  • ASP.NET Core 3.1.3
  • Visual Studio 2019 16.6.2
  • Windows 10 (1909)
Fixed area-blazor blazor-wasm feature-blazor-debugging

Most helpful comment

I hope this helps someone.
Whenever I ran my blazor webassembly hosted app in Visual Studio the browser opened but it just stayed on about:blank for ages and never loaded the web page/app.
I found that if you open up the browser dev tools (Ctrl + Shift + I) it shoved it along and the page actually loaded and it all worked. This works in both Chrome and Edge (at least for me).

All 38 comments

Thanks for contacting us.
We're moving this issue to the Next sprint planning milestone for future evaluation / consideration. We will evaluate the request when we will planning the work for the next milestone. To learn more about what to expect next and how this issue will be handled you can read more about our triage process here.

I'm having a very similar issue, with exactly the same symptoms, but in my case, a new blank wasm project actually works. It's just my own existing project that I can't get working. I've tried making everything as similar as possible between the two, but it just doesn't work.


I also get the same error message when trying the Shift+Alt+D

@spapaseit had the exact same issue, resolved it by uninstalling Hyper-V. Hopefully it can help you.

@kollfeldt, thanks for the tip, but unfortunately uninstalling Hyper-V (and restarting) made no difference for me; still having the exact same issue.

I too have a similar issue. F5 opens the browser and it sits spinning on about:blank and if left will timeout as above. Pressing F12 before the timeout to enter the browser developer tools triggers the blazor webassembly app to load but almost without exception no breakpoints are hit.

had also the same issue. I enabled ScriptDebugging(dropdown at Start debugging) in VisualStudio and now it works fine.

Thanks for the tip, @RealHustengutzel. Unfortunately, it made no difference in my case either.

I have the same issue, funny enough only on my work pc. When I try it on another one it works as expected.

I have the same issue, finally instead of IIS Express I use the project launchsettings:


After searching for couple of days, I did the following and it worked like charm:
1.Install IE "Microsoft edge"
2.Use IE "Microsoft edge" as your VS. browser (NOT CHROME)
3.Use your application as server (NOT IIS EXPRESS).

Hello folks,

There's quite a few different issues reported here. Some of them have been previously reported and will be resolved in the upcoming .NET 5/VS 16.8 release. Some things to note:

  • There are some issues with reliably launching a Blazor application when using IIS. We expect these will be solved in VS 16.8.
  • The timeouts occur when the the debugger takes too long to start. We've made some improvements to this that will ship in the same timeline.
  • Some issues with unbound exceptions make occur. If that is the case, make sure that the you've accepted local development certificates if you are using an HTTPS-based domain.

I'd recommend trying the latest previews of .NET 5 and VS 16.8 and sharing feedback there.

SO I can't debug blazor webassembly web apps and you are saying it isn't going to be fixed till November?

I hope this helps someone.
Whenever I ran my blazor webassembly hosted app in Visual Studio the browser opened but it just stayed on about:blank for ages and never loaded the web page/app.
I found that if you open up the browser dev tools (Ctrl + Shift + I) it shoved it along and the page actually loaded and it all worked. This works in both Chrome and Edge (at least for me).

@proskilly you mean in the meantime you're waiting on the browser which hangs you just simply open up the console and it suddenly loads?

@lnodaba Yes that's right.

Hi All,
Long time listener, first time caller.
A bit disappointing about resolution timeframe, here's what worked for me...
I found this file:
under ....\MyApp.vs\MyApp\config
it contains a single line
The file was a couple of weeks old, which struck me as odd, anyhow i deleted the file.
Then on next run-with-debug a new you-beaut file was created and my debugging came good.
My guess is that VS is having trouble exchanging that file, especially when changing Debug properties for the project.
FWIW - this is a hosted Blazor web-assembly application

Aside from some esoteric bits and bobs, i am loving Blazor and the VS2019 environment.

Go hard MS.


Thanks for sharing those details, @Will4000. As mentioned, we've been working on a variety of debugging improvements that will ship with .NET5/16.8. To help with triage/resolution, it would be great to open a new issue for each problem you want to report.

This will make it easier for us to get any necessary logs/details for your scenario and get to a root cause faster.

I hope this helps someone.
Whenever I ran my blazor webassembly hosted app in Visual Studio the browser opened but it just stayed on about:blank for ages and never loaded the web page/app.
I found that if you open up the browser dev tools (Ctrl + Shift + I) it shoved it along and the page actually loaded and it all worked. This works in both Chrome and Edge (at least for me).

This. So much. Thank you for that tip! I was running a fresh install of .NET 5 Preview 8, the latest VS Code, and a fresh install of google Chrome and getting when trying to launch using a "blazorwasm" type launch config in VS Code. Ctrl + Shift + I kicks something into gear in Chrome and the error is no longer thrown. I can debug from VS Code and Visual Studio now!

Hi @captainsafia, I finally got round to installing VS 2019 16.8 and Preview 8 of .NET 5, but the issue still persists; the behaviour is still exactly the same, even with a fresh Hosted Blazor WebAssembly project.

Hi @captainsafia, I finally got round to installing VS 2019 16.8 and Preview 8 of .NET 5, but the issue still persists; the behaviour is still exactly the same, even with a fresh Hosted Blazor WebAssembly project.

Yes i have the similar issue with the latest .net5 preview 8 using blazor wasm. Strangely., when i create a new project, it works and i can debug the code. Then if i were to stop and start it again. It will have the forever spin in chrome. I open a new chrome or ie edge and it works or if i press f12 to debug the page shows but under both circumstances it cant be debugged. Sometimes, after waiting for a long time, when i debug again, it starts working for that run and then fails on subsequent restart. I deleted the bin and obj folder also to no avail. I am using wasm with pwa and chrome 85. Trying edge as the default project browser doesnt allow me to debug but loads the page.

@rakeshkgsg @spapaseit Can you share your exact version of VS that you are using? You should be able to access it by clicking on the "Preview" label in the top-right of the Visual Studio window.

Also, if you code share the contents of the %TEMP%vscode-chrome-debug.txt file after a failed debugging session that would be great?

I have the same problem on the loading page about: blank and without a definite answer, for more details on my problem at


@captainsafia, sorry for the delay on this. I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2019 Preview Version 16.8.0 Preview 2.1



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Thanks for you help!

same issue, on F5 the browser window remain blank with the spinning loading forever, the only way to go forward is to open the chrome web tools with F12, but in this way the debugger works only in chrome and no breakpoint are hit in visual studio.

@captainsafia this is a very priority issue, we need to wait until november release to be fixed?? as is the debug is impossible!

Second on @Gambero81 . I am using 16.7.3 and this is still an issue. I have tried several of the fixes above and still no luck.

Same here. Using 16.7.3 no luck on Edge(newest) and Chrome. Can debug with docker but taking ~40s to start each time.

I have solved this error when I am using Firefox.

Hello folks -- thanks for your paitence here!

I have solved this error when I am using Firefox.

We don't support debugging in Firefox. Our debugging experience relies on the Chrome Debugging Protocol, which is not supported by Firefox.

@spapaseit Thanks for sharing the logs. It looks like you are debugging a project that leverages auth. I'm investigating some issues related to debugging apps with an auth dependency. Stay tuned for updates on this front.

same issue, on F5 the browser window remain blank with the spinning loading forever, the only way to go forward is to open the chrome web tools with F12, but in this way the debugger works only in chrome and no breakpoint are hit in visual studio.

This usually happens if the underlying DebugProxy isn't launched. We're working on improving the experience here so that the browser will close and alert the user instead of hanging.

same issue, on F5 the browser window remain blank with the spinning loading forever

This usually happens if the underlying DebugProxy isn't launched. We're working on improving the experience here so that the browser will close and alert the user instead of hanging.

@captainsafia why the underlying DebugProxy isn't launched?
Have you found a workaround or there is a deep test i can do to help resolving the issue?

@Gambero81 If you are on 3.2, I recommend following these steps to get some helpful logs.

i managed to get around the issue by killing the ".NET Host" process after each debugging session:

Running VS 2019 Pro 16.8.0 Preview 3.0

This seems to still be an issue as of Version 16.8.0 Preview 3.1 (Microsoft.AspNetCore Nuget Pkgs: 5.0.0-rc.1.20451.17). When using IISExpress launch settings profile the debugger does not seem to attach. However, when switching to the project profile (Kestrel) in launchsettings the debugger works as expected.

Tried removing the .vs file with no luck.

Launch settings in Blazor wasm client and Blazor Server (Host).
{ "iisSettings": { "windowsAuthentication": false, "anonymousAuthentication": true, "iisExpress": { "applicationUrl": "http://localhost:51544", "sslPort": 44305 } }, "profiles": { "IIS Express": { "commandName": "IISExpress", "launchBrowser": true, "launchUrl": "https://localhost:44305/", "environmentVariables": { "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT": "Development" } }, "Ux.Client.Server": { "commandName": "Project", "launchBrowser": true, "inspectUri": "{wsProtocol}://{url.hostname}:{url.port}/_framework/debug/ws-proxy?browser={browserInspectUri}", "applicationUrl": "https://localhost:5001;http://localhost:5000", "environmentVariables": { "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT": "Development" } } } }

Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 Preview
Version 16.8.0 Preview 3.1
Microsoft .NET Framework
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Visual F# Tools 16.8.0-beta.20428.2+068ebd3c599bc5a47163a18b8b90d2fe5517186e
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I concur with @chassq, still an issue for me to on Version 16.8.0 Preview 3.1 (Microsoft.AspNetCore Nuget Pkgs: 5.0.0-rc.1.20451.17) as well

@spapaseit @chassq Can you share your log files. Should be under %TEMPDIR%/visualstudio-chrome-debug.txtafter the failing debug session? Also, can you share the content of the Output tab in Visual Studio?

@markokamin This is a known issue and will be fixed in RC2.

I'm having this same issue - has anyone found a fix for it? I can provide my logs too if it would help?

@rasaconsulting-sandy Can you open a new issue with the relevant details and logs?

Hi - this may or may not be related but..

Debugging works flawlessly when the uris are set to localhost:5000;localhost:5001

However, I am hitting an Api with CORS enabled in the form of * (I have no control over the cors policy of this api)

so my local uris need to be something like:; (Also have the correct hosts file change to make point to my machine (
This makes the API requests work fine but completely breaks the ability to hit breakpoints/debug.

(This is using the kestrel server)

Any idea what it might be @captainsafia ?

A bit disappointing about resolution timeframe, here's what worked for me...
I found this file:
under ....\MyApp.vs\MyApp\config
it contains a single line
The file was a couple of weeks old, which struck me as odd, anyhow i deleted the file.

I had the same issue recently using VS 16.8.1 and saw @Will4000 steps. After deleting that file, debugging start working again.

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