Aspnetcore: Create default `IdentityErrorDescriber` for some languages

Created on 11 Oct 2016  ·  16Comments  ·  Source: dotnet/aspnetcore

Hi, I know that we have the ability to extend IdentityErrorDescriber and create our custom messages but shouldn't be better if we have already some default IdentityErrorDescriber for the most used languages? (I don't know right now the most used languages)

This is just an issue I would like to comment because I'm translating it right now, but for sure another person is doing the same in his code. So everybody need to create a custom in each new project?

Well, if someone falls into this issue searching how to do it, follow this steps:

  • Create a class with the name CustomIdentityErrorDescriber, copy the code below:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity;
namespace YourNamespace
    public class CustomIdentityErrorDescriber : IdentityErrorDescriber
        public override IdentityError DefaultError() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(DefaultError), Description = $"Um erro desconhecido ocorreu." }; }
        public override IdentityError ConcurrencyFailure() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(ConcurrencyFailure), Description = "Falha de concorrência otimista, o objeto foi modificado." }; }
        public override IdentityError PasswordMismatch() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(PasswordMismatch), Description = "Senha incorreta." }; }
        public override IdentityError InvalidToken() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(InvalidToken), Description = "Token inválido." }; }
        public override IdentityError LoginAlreadyAssociated() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(LoginAlreadyAssociated), Description = "Já existe um usuário com este login." }; }
        public override IdentityError InvalidUserName(string userName) { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(InvalidUserName), Description = $"Login '{userName}' é inválido, pode conter apenas letras ou dígitos." }; }
        public override IdentityError InvalidEmail(string email) { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(InvalidEmail), Description = $"Email '{email}' é inválido." }; }
        public override IdentityError DuplicateUserName(string userName) { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(DuplicateUserName), Description = $"Login '{userName}' já está sendo utilizado." }; }
        public override IdentityError DuplicateEmail(string email) { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(DuplicateEmail), Description = $"Email '{email}' já está sendo utilizado." }; }
        public override IdentityError InvalidRoleName(string role) { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(InvalidRoleName), Description = $"A permissão '{role}' é inválida." }; }
        public override IdentityError DuplicateRoleName(string role) { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(DuplicateRoleName), Description = $"A permissão '{role}' já está sendo utilizada." }; }
        public override IdentityError UserAlreadyHasPassword() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(UserAlreadyHasPassword), Description = "Usuário já possui uma senha definida." }; }
        public override IdentityError UserLockoutNotEnabled() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(UserLockoutNotEnabled), Description = "Lockout não está habilitado para este usuário." }; }
        public override IdentityError UserAlreadyInRole(string role) { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(UserAlreadyInRole), Description = $"Usuário já possui a permissão '{role}'." }; }
        public override IdentityError UserNotInRole(string role) { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(UserNotInRole), Description = $"Usuário não tem a permissão '{role}'." }; }
        public override IdentityError PasswordTooShort(int length) { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(PasswordTooShort), Description = $"Senhas devem conter ao menos {length} caracteres." }; }
        public override IdentityError PasswordRequiresNonAlphanumeric() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(PasswordRequiresNonAlphanumeric), Description = "Senhas devem conter ao menos um caracter não alfanumérico." }; }
        public override IdentityError PasswordRequiresDigit() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(PasswordRequiresDigit), Description = "Senhas devem conter ao menos um digito ('0'-'9')." }; }
        public override IdentityError PasswordRequiresLower() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(PasswordRequiresLower), Description = "Senhas devem conter ao menos um caracter em caixa baixa ('a'-'z')." }; }
        public override IdentityError PasswordRequiresUpper() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(PasswordRequiresUpper), Description = "Senhas devem conter ao menos um caracter em caixa alta ('A'-'Z')." }; }
  • Go into your Startup.cs and when configuring the services.AddIdentity part, add the following code:
services.AddIdentity<User, IdentityRole>()

In this example, the code was translated to pt-BR.

Would be nice if we have all those translations ready in the Identity package. The custom implementation is really nice but I don't know if it's just me felling that I will have to copy and paste this custom class into each project that I need to use.

affected-few area-identity enhancement severity-minor

Most helpful comment

For anyone looking for multi language approach, see this workaround:

All 16 comments

This isn't an unreasonable request (although we can't take translations from the community, because, as folks who don't speak the languages we don't know if there's anything in them we should be concerned about).

I'm going to put this in the backlog and we'll look at actually using the feature we added to let you do it yourself to provide at least some common languages in a future release.

Sure, I can help with that. Count with me to make the translation to pt-BR.

Thanks for the reply.

As I said I'm afraid we can't take translations from the community for all sorts of legal reasons :(

Oh sorry @blowdart, I've misunderstood you.

Well, so I'll wait for it. :)

No worries, it's in the backlog now, but I don't know if pt-BR would make it. We might look at how to make it extensible via 3rd party packages. The problem with community translations, is, well, sometimes words make their way in that some might find offensive, and not speaking the languages, we won't ever notice.

Revisit for triage

For anyone looking for multi language approach, see this workaround:

this SO answer give you a better view of the same approach

I'd love to see a version of the IdentityErrorDescriber that uses this SO approach based on resx files so we don't have to override all of methods ourselves just to add the localizer call

@NinoFloris there alreday is one. See the SO answer @abasarab linked two posts above.

Though still would like to have some translation for the most common languages. And/or a simpler way to inject my own resx.

That's basically what I've said right? I want it in the box is all

this is for dear Farsi(Persian) speakers

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity;

namespace WebApplication.Admin.Helpers
    public class CustomIdentityErrorDescriber : IdentityErrorDescriber
        public override IdentityError DefaultError() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(DefaultError), Description = $"یک خطای ناشناخته رخ داده است." }; }
        public override IdentityError ConcurrencyFailure() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(ConcurrencyFailure), Description = "رکورد جاری پیشتر ویرایش شده‌است و تغییرات شما آن‌را بازنویسی خواهد کرد." }; }
        public override IdentityError PasswordMismatch() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(PasswordMismatch), Description = "کلمه عبور نادرست است." }; }
        public override IdentityError InvalidToken() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(InvalidToken), Description = "کلمه عبور نامعتبر است." }; }
        public override IdentityError LoginAlreadyAssociated() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(LoginAlreadyAssociated), Description = "این کاربر قبلأ اضافه شده‌است." }; }
        public override IdentityError InvalidUserName(string userName) { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(InvalidUserName), Description = $"نام کاربری '{userName}' نامعتبر است، فقط می تواند حاوی حروف ویا اعداد باشد." }; }
        public override IdentityError InvalidEmail(string email) { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(InvalidEmail), Description = $"ایمیل '{email}' نامعتبر است." }; }
        public override IdentityError DuplicateUserName(string userName) { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(DuplicateUserName), Description = $"این نام کاربری '{userName}' به کاربر دیگری اختصاص یافته است." }; }
        public override IdentityError DuplicateEmail(string email) { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(DuplicateEmail), Description = $"ایمیل '{email}' به کاربر دیگری اختصاص یافته است." }; }
        public override IdentityError InvalidRoleName(string role) { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(InvalidRoleName), Description = $"نام نقش '{role}' نامعتبر است." }; }
        public override IdentityError DuplicateRoleName(string role) { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(DuplicateRoleName), Description = $"این نام نقش '{role}' به کاربر دیگری اختصاص یافته است." }; }
        public override IdentityError UserAlreadyHasPassword() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(UserAlreadyHasPassword), Description = "کلمه‌ی عبور کاربر قبلأ تنظیم شده‌است." }; }
        public override IdentityError UserLockoutNotEnabled() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(UserLockoutNotEnabled), Description = "این کاربر فعال است." }; }
        public override IdentityError UserAlreadyInRole(string role) { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(UserAlreadyInRole), Description = $"این نقش '{role}' قبلأ به این کاربر اختصاص یافته است." }; }
        public override IdentityError UserNotInRole(string role) { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(UserNotInRole), Description = $"این نقش '{role}' قبلأ به این کاربر اختصاص نیافته است." }; }
        public override IdentityError PasswordTooShort(int length) { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(PasswordTooShort), Description = $"کلمه عبور باید حداقل {length} کاراکتر باشد." }; }
        public override IdentityError PasswordRequiresNonAlphanumeric() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(PasswordRequiresNonAlphanumeric), Description = "کلمه عبور باید حداقل یک کاراکتر غیر از حروف الفبا داشته باشد." }; }
        public override IdentityError PasswordRequiresDigit() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(PasswordRequiresDigit), Description = "کلمه عبور باید حداقل یک عدد داشته باشد." }; }
        public override IdentityError PasswordRequiresLower() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(PasswordRequiresLower), Description = "کلمه عبور باید حداقل یک حروف کوچک داشته باشد." }; }
        public override IdentityError PasswordRequiresUpper() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(PasswordRequiresUpper), Description = "کلمه عبور باید حداقل یک حروف بزرگ داشته باشد." }; }
        public override IdentityError RecoveryCodeRedemptionFailed() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(RecoveryCodeRedemptionFailed), Description = "بازیابی ناموفق بود." }; }
        public override IdentityError PasswordRequiresUniqueChars(int uniqueChars) { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(PasswordRequiresUniqueChars), Description = $"کلمه‌ی عبور باید حداقل داراى {0} حرف متفاوت باشد." }; }

@furlanrapha Sorry, I've made a confusion between AspNet.Identity.Core with AspNetCore.Identity.

Hi, I know that we have the ability to extend IdentityErrorDescriber and create our custom messages but shouldn't be better if we have already some default IdentityErrorDescriber for the most used languages? (I don't know right now the most used languages)

This is just an issue I would like to comment because I'm translating it right now, but for sure another person is doing the same in his code. So everybody need to create a custom in each new project?

Well, if someone falls into this issue searching how to do it, follow this steps:

  • Create a class with the name CustomIdentityErrorDescriber, copy the code below:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity;
namespace YourNamespace
    public class CustomIdentityErrorDescriber : IdentityErrorDescriber
        public override IdentityError DefaultError() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(DefaultError), Description = $"Um erro desconhecido ocorreu." }; }
        public override IdentityError ConcurrencyFailure() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(ConcurrencyFailure), Description = "Falha de concorrência otimista, o objeto foi modificado." }; }
        public override IdentityError PasswordMismatch() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(PasswordMismatch), Description = "Senha incorreta." }; }
        public override IdentityError InvalidToken() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(InvalidToken), Description = "Token inválido." }; }
        public override IdentityError LoginAlreadyAssociated() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(LoginAlreadyAssociated), Description = "Já existe um usuário com este login." }; }
        public override IdentityError InvalidUserName(string userName) { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(InvalidUserName), Description = $"Login '{userName}' é inválido, pode conter apenas letras ou dígitos." }; }
        public override IdentityError InvalidEmail(string email) { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(InvalidEmail), Description = $"Email '{email}' é inválido." }; }
        public override IdentityError DuplicateUserName(string userName) { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(DuplicateUserName), Description = $"Login '{userName}' já está sendo utilizado." }; }
        public override IdentityError DuplicateEmail(string email) { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(DuplicateEmail), Description = $"Email '{email}' já está sendo utilizado." }; }
        public override IdentityError InvalidRoleName(string role) { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(InvalidRoleName), Description = $"A permissão '{role}' é inválida." }; }
        public override IdentityError DuplicateRoleName(string role) { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(DuplicateRoleName), Description = $"A permissão '{role}' já está sendo utilizada." }; }
        public override IdentityError UserAlreadyHasPassword() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(UserAlreadyHasPassword), Description = "Usuário já possui uma senha definida." }; }
        public override IdentityError UserLockoutNotEnabled() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(UserLockoutNotEnabled), Description = "Lockout não está habilitado para este usuário." }; }
        public override IdentityError UserAlreadyInRole(string role) { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(UserAlreadyInRole), Description = $"Usuário já possui a permissão '{role}'." }; }
        public override IdentityError UserNotInRole(string role) { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(UserNotInRole), Description = $"Usuário não tem a permissão '{role}'." }; }
        public override IdentityError PasswordTooShort(int length) { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(PasswordTooShort), Description = $"Senhas devem conter ao menos {length} caracteres." }; }
        public override IdentityError PasswordRequiresNonAlphanumeric() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(PasswordRequiresNonAlphanumeric), Description = "Senhas devem conter ao menos um caracter não alfanumérico." }; }
        public override IdentityError PasswordRequiresDigit() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(PasswordRequiresDigit), Description = "Senhas devem conter ao menos um digito ('0'-'9')." }; }
        public override IdentityError PasswordRequiresLower() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(PasswordRequiresLower), Description = "Senhas devem conter ao menos um caracter em caixa baixa ('a'-'z')." }; }
        public override IdentityError PasswordRequiresUpper() { return new IdentityError { Code = nameof(PasswordRequiresUpper), Description = "Senhas devem conter ao menos um caracter em caixa alta ('A'-'Z')." }; }
  • Go into your Startup.cs and when configuring the services.AddIdentity part, add the following code:
services.AddIdentity<User, IdentityRole>()

In this example, the code was translated to pt-BR.

Would be nice if we have all those translations ready in the Identity package. The custom implementation is really nice but I don't know if it's just me felling that I will have to copy and paste this custom class into each project that I need to use.

Hello @furlanrapha I use your code and its working partialy. When I start the regitry the default valuesof password errors, apears first in English. Only after the second trial on registry password the error messages start to be in PT . Do you have an Ideia, how can Iforce the class "CustomIdentityErrorDescriber" to be upload in first place?
PS: Thanks for your translation work, I´m using PT too.

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