Where is the SDK for .NET Core 2.1.1? You guys shouldn't be releasing packages to nuget until updates are ready on dot.net.
Exactly the same problem here. Why are the 2.1.1 packages even being offered to a site that's targeting 2.1.0 if they're just going to break it?
At least the new project file format makes it easier to downgrade, since you can't even do that from the package manager within Visual Studio.
This is a ridiculous situation. Surely the prerequisite SDK should be release prior to pushing the packages to nuget?
We faced the same issue with the official release of 2.1 where the full SDK release was a day or so behind.
Following steps allowed me to get going on Win x64 platform:
~Remove previous 2.1 sdk installation~ not necessary
Install early access SDK from here: https://github.com/dotnet/versions/tree/7a833dddfddc27f2074b755b94234a25b9757637/build-info/dotnet/product/cli/release/2.1
Changed version of docker images to explicitly reference 2.1.301 version
e.g. FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.1.301-sdk AS build
@emasyakin-softheme Thanks.
I ended up using the version from here https://github.com/dotnet/versions/tree/master/build-info/dotnet/product/cli/release/2.1 which appears to be the RTM version anyway.
No need to uninstall previous SDK versions.
Just wish the ASP.NET Core team would get their act together with this kind of stuff.... and don't even get me started on the messed up versioning thats floating around the entire ecosystem.
That's still the preview release. If you install it you'll have to do the purge.
Pretty sure that isn't the preview. The version certainly doesn't indicate it is: 2.1.301. I'm up and running with no purge required.
Both SDK links point to the exact same point: https://dotnetfeed.blob.core.windows.net/orchestrated-release-2-1/20180605-09/final/assets/Sdk/2.1.301-preview-008906/dotnet-sdk-2.1.301-win-x64.exe
Look at the file name you posted and tell me if it's the preview.... You WILL need a purge when the real final version is released.
Assuming nothing changes, then that build will indeed be the final build. (see notes here: https://github.com/aspnet/Home/wiki/.NET-Core-2.1.1-Early-Access-Downloads)
The final SDK version does appear to be available to download - just not published on the front-facing websites. For example, VSTS will happily download and use the full SDK if asked from here: https://dotnetcli.azureedge.net/dotnet/Sdk/2.1.301/dotnet-sdk-2.1.301-win-x64.zip
Per Damian Edwards on Twitter that isn't the final build and it did change as of yesterday and the purge will be required.
Excellent find on the actual link. Here's hoping that's actually final. Apparently they were having problems pushing it out, which implies some devops issue but who knows...
Is there a new date for the release of 2.1.1 related SDK / Runtime?
The last announcement with date is this: https://github.com/aspnet/Home/wiki/.NET-Core-2.1.1-Early-Access-Downloads (June 19th)
Still the same preview.
The 2.1.1 deployment is still in progress, please use 2.1.0 in the meantime.
Any predictions? Today, Tomorrow, in a Week?
It's because i'm on the way to port 2.0 to 2.1 and the plan was to wait and to use 2.1.1, now it depend on the estimated release date
Looks like it's out now:
Damian Edwards:
dotnetcore 2.1.1 SDK download is now live!! Thanks everyone for your patience as we worked through the deployment issues the last few days
Most helpful comment
Exactly the same problem here. Why are the 2.1.1 packages even being offered to a site that's targeting 2.1.0 if they're just going to break it?
At least the new project file format makes it easier to downgrade, since you can't even do that from the package manager within Visual Studio.