Aspnetcore: Support for Json Merge Patch - RFC7396

Created on 1 Jan 2018  Â·  28Comments  Â·  Source: dotnet/aspnetcore

_From @adnan-kamili on Wednesday, January 4, 2017 10:22:13 PM_


Are their any plans to support the Json Merge Patch

_Copied from original issue: aspnet/JsonPatch#52_

area-mvc enhancement

Most helpful comment

Is this coming soon as part of

All 28 comments

_From @vhe1 on Tuesday, February 21, 2017 3:35:44 AM_

Can we have support for it?
It's much easier on the frontend developers and the rfc 6902 patch has a gaping security hole in that _any_ path expression can be added to the list, regardless of whether the property exists on the type given in the generic type parameter.

_From @gilmishal on Sunday, June 4, 2017 7:40:06 AM_

RFC 6902 is also not very client side friendly.

_From @Mardoxx on Thursday, August 24, 2017 8:08:28 AM_

This would be great. Seems a lot more appropriate for what I'd imagine the "average" user requires of JSON Patch.

_From @Mardoxx on Sunday, August 27, 2017 6:02:01 PM_

What does the 1 - Ready label mean?

Has an API for this already been decided? Or is it in discussion -- if so is this public?

I have been playing around a bit and I've got a working PoC which allows for uhhh.. this:

// Normal DTO/model
public class PersonDetailsUpdate
    public string GivenName { get; set; }
    public string Surname { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }
    public int? GroupId { get; set; }
public IActionResult Patch([FromRoute]int id, JsonMergeDocument<PersonDetailsUpdate> mergeDocument)
    JsonMergeDocumentMember<int?> groupIdMember = mergeDocument.Member(x => x.GroupId);
    if (groupIdMember.IsSet)
        int? newGroupId = groupIdMember.Value;
        if (newGroupId.HasValue) {
            // Throw if group is not valid
            _groupsService.SetUserGroup(id, newGroupId);


    using (UsersDbContext usersContext = new UsersDbContext())
        // Check if user exists
        UserEntity user = new UserEntity
            Id = id

        EntityEntry entity = dbContext.Users.Attach(dbUser);

        foreach(IEnumerable<JsonMergeDocumentMember> member in mergeDocument.Members.Where(x => x.IsSet))
            PropertyEntry entityProp = entity.Member(member.Name) as PropertyEntry;
            if (entityProp != null)
                 if (entityProp.MetaData.ClrType != member.Type)
                     // perhaps try convert type and set
                entityProp.CurrentValue = member.Value;


    return NoContent();

Assume the following data is persisted:

UserEntity {
  Id = 10,
  FirstName = "Mardoxx",
  Surname = "",
  Age = 99
UserGroup {
    UserId = 10,
    GroupId = 100

With group information being stored in a completely isolated service.

That is, a GET Users/10 would return:

    "UserId": 10,
    "FirstName": "Mardoxx",
    "Surname": "",
    "Age": 99,
    "GroupId" : 100

Sending PATCH Users/10 with a body of

    "Age": 20,
    "GroupId" : null

Will update the user's age to 20, and remove the user from its group, i.e. GroupId to null.

A GET Users/10 now returns:

    "UserId": 10,
    "FirstName": "Mardoxx",
    "Surname": "",
    "Age": 20,
    "GroupId" : null

JsonMergeDocumentMember and JsonMergeDocumentMember<T> are DataContractSerializable.

JsonMergePatch<T> is as well.

This is the sort of functionality I would like from an official impl of Json Merge Patch. Validation is a necessary addition to this, so is an T ApplyTo<T>(T to) function. Could also perhaps do with a object ToObject() which emits a new anonymous type with the fields defined -- probably out of scope of this though. Can definitely be improved upon. Also not sure how it copes with complex objects (e.g. Post with an Author field, although I think that is automatically handled by the deserialisation). From the spec it seems that only first-level properties can be patched. You can't do a partial update to a nested field (which works out quite nicely actually)

An official solution to something like this would be really desirable!

_From @peabnuts123 on Wednesday, August 30, 2017 8:25:07 PM_

Just pitching in from a front-end-dev perspective. Granted that JSON Patch is a nice standard but it's pretty widely accepted to do operations in a JSON-Merge kind of way. To a JS developer, it would be pretty weird if their backend developer told them they couldn't support this kind of operation, it would be generally seen as basically an incapable/not very useful technology.

_From @Mardoxx on Friday, September 1, 2017 7:57:37 AM_

Ok so I've cleaned it up a bit, API is a little different now, Members is a Dictionary<string JsonMergePatchValue>
For the end user all they need to do is change their controller object types to be JsonMergePatchDocument<>, and then use T patchDoc.ApplyTo<TObj>(TObj object) or whatever to update an object for example, or do what I did above.
I've basically designed it in a way that I want it to work. I really want to get the ball rolling with this because I feel it would be very useful!

Shall I write a few tests and do a PR? Or has work on this already begun?

I want this to be DataContract serializable too as it would be great to be able to send this object around in Service Fabric using their remoting libs, for which this is a requirement. Not quite sure how to achieve this though.

_From @mhosman on Friday, September 1, 2017 8:20:52 AM_

+1 For this. Please add support for Json Merge Patch!

_From @rynowak on Friday, September 1, 2017 10:46:45 AM_

@Mardoxx - we'll discuss and get back to you next week. We're still planning the set of features we're going to do for 2.1, and this is under consideration. I'm putting a reminder on my calendar right now.

If you have an example of this somewhere in a repo that we can look at that would help.

_From @tinchoel10 on Friday, September 1, 2017 11:57:48 AM_

+1 Please add json merge patch, this is more client-friendly, easier to understand and to manage in a lot of situations. Is a very important feature.

_From @Mardoxx on Friday, September 1, 2017 2:42:08 PM_

@rynowak Amazing thanks.

Done here - Cleaned it up a lot and simplified it... a lot. Hacked together a handful of tests that should give an idea of behaviour. Not happy about a few things, see here, but happy enough about general API for it (not necessarily the names of things though!). Gives a basic idea of what I want.

Can add end to end example if you like?

_From @mhosman on Monday, September 4, 2017 10:27:36 AM_

Hey @Mardoxx, this is a working (non-official) example? I know there are several things to work in it (, but it works?

_From @Mardoxx on Monday, September 4, 2017 10:36:35 AM_

@mhosman Yeah it works! Very very basic example here or slight modifications to above should work 😄

_From @mhosman on Monday, September 4, 2017 4:57:02 PM_

Hey @Mardoxx, thanks for your answer. There's any way to create a NuGet package in order to test this in one of my projects? Thank you!

_From @rynowak on Tuesday, September 5, 2017 10:20:09 AM_

@Mardoxx - have you done any work with your code to support cases like the following:


     "title": "Goodbye!",
     "author" : {
       "givenName" : "John",
       "familyName" : "Doe"
     "tags":[ "example", "sample" ],
     "content": "This will be unchanged"


     "title": "Hello!",
     "phoneNumber": "+01-123-456-7890",
     "author": {
       "familyName": null
     "tags": [ "example" ]


     "title": "Hello!",
     "author" : {
       "givenName" : "John"
     "tags": [ "example" ],
     "content": "This will be unchanged",
     "phoneNumber": "+01-123-456-7890"

Notice in this case that author was patched by setting the familyName property to null and the givenName property retains it's original value. This is example 3 from the RFC.

From the .NET point-of-view this seems like the hard part.

Here's the pseudo-code from the spec (emphasis mine)

define MergePatch(Target, Patch):
     if Patch is an Object:
       if Target is not an Object:
         Target = {} # Ignore the contents and set it to an empty Object
       for each Name/Value pair in Patch:
         if Value is null:
           if Name exists in Target:
             remove the Name/Value pair from Target
           Target[Name] = MergePatch(Target[Name], Value)  // *** Need to apply recursively ***
       return Target
       return Patch

Some of the other challenges that we've run into implementing patch are around casing and the behavior of dictionary types and dynamic types. JSON-Patch and JSON-Merge (and JSON) in general are case-sensitive.

We banished most of these issues recently by using JsonContract to just do what JSON.NET does with respect to casing and how to 'interpret' your types. Presumably if you are using MVC you are using JSON.NET and already are serializing the types you want to patch elsewhere. That gives you one knob to configure how JSON works.\

_From @Mardoxx on Tuesday, September 5, 2017 10:43:31 AM_

Totally overlooked that, will have a look later - and also adding properties that don't exist on the original document (i.e. source is a dynamic object)... phoneNumber in that example. Hmm!

Haven't looked at (didn't occur to me) Json.Net api! Good idea.

Ok, this is very difficult. Does not really fit in with the way I wrote it. Back to the drawing board!

_From @rynowak on Friday, September 15, 2017 11:55:25 AM_

Hi Folks, sorry for the delay.

We don't have an official 2.1 announcement post out yet, but I'm sad to say JSON Merge didn't make the cut. We understand the feedback that this is valuable and we'd like for a good .NET solution to exist, but we're not going to invest in building it right now.

I'd suggest teaming up and fleshing out the implementation that @Mardoxx has started working on. We'd be happy to provide advice and help promote the library if it takes off.

_From @mhosman on Friday, September 15, 2017 12:17:04 PM_

Maybe @Mardoxx could make a library (NuGet Package) at least for the basics.

_From @Mardoxx on Friday, September 15, 2017 12:38:11 PM_

@rynowak Understandable, it's something that comparatively few will benefit from.

Not at all certain about the current implementation I came up with (besides it only conforming to like 1/3rd of the spec!) -- Not had time to think about it the past few days. Some pointers from someone more experienced than I, or anyone really, would be very welcomed!

@mhosman, seeing as it's only 4 files or so, feel free to just copy them to your own project. I would not feel okay publishing this anywhere too public (e.g. NuGet) until it is in an actual working state!

_From @mhosman on Monday, September 18, 2017 10:52:52 AM_

I just found this....

_From @Mardoxx on Tuesday, September 19, 2017 2:59:13 AM_

@mhosman good find. Feels uneasy to me re-purposing jsonpatch. But hey, if it works.. it works!

_From @adnan-kamili on Tuesday, September 19, 2017 3:50:38 AM_

Since I logged this issue, I have been using the following to perform a patch:

        public void Patch<TEntity, TViewModel>(TEntity entity, TViewModel updatedModel) where TEntity : class, IEntity
            // copy the value of properties from view model into entity
            PropertyInfo[] entityProperties = entity.GetType().GetProperties();
            foreach (PropertyInfo entityPropertyInfo in entityProperties)
                PropertyInfo updatedModelPropertyInfo = updatedModel.GetType().GetProperty(entityPropertyInfo.Name);
                if (updatedModelPropertyInfo != null)
                    var value = updatedModelPropertyInfo.GetValue(updatedModel, null);
                    if (value != null)
                        entityPropertyInfo.SetValue(entity, value, null);

_From @peabnuts123 on Sunday, September 24, 2017 1:09:49 PM_

Seems like most people in this thread are missing the subtle difference between omitting a field from the request and sending a null value in the request. Checking against null in the implementation means that frontends sending null back in their payload will be ignored by the backend. This essentially creates a behaviour where, once being set to a value, a field will never be able to be set to null again.

I found this issue because I was trying to solve this problem myself and looking for others talking about the subject. In JavaScript-land this nuance can be modelled with undefined vs. null values but in C# the aspnet core middleware will serialize both an omitted field and a null field to null in the C# model, and therefore (from an information perspective) you literally cannot tell the difference by the time you've made it to a Controller. Wondering if perhaps AspnetCore could set annotations on Omitted fields or similar that could be read out in the Patch method to differentiate fields that were in the payload vs. fields that weren't.

_From @Mardoxx on Sunday, September 24, 2017 3:57:57 PM_

No, both my and that other example account for null vs undefined.

On 24 Sep 2017 21:09, "Jeff" wrote:

Seems like most people in this thread are missing the subtle difference
between omitting a field from the request and sending a null value in the
request. Checking against null in the implementation means that frontends
sending null back in their payload will be ignored by the backend. This
essentially creates a behaviour where, once being set to a value, a field
will never be able to be set to null again.

I found this issue because I was trying to solve this problem myself and
looking for others talking about the subject. In JavaScript-land this
nuance can be modelled with undefined vs. null values but in C# the
aspnet core middleware will serialize both an omitted field and a null
field to null in the C# model, and therefore (from an information
perspective) you literally cannot tell the difference by the time you've
made it to a Controller. Wondering if perhaps AspnetCore could set
annotations on Omitted fields or similar that could be read out in the
Patch method to differentiate fields that were in the payload vs. fields
that weren't.

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_From @peabnuts123 on Sunday, September 24, 2017 7:54:49 PM_

Alright, that's my mistake. I hadn't trawled the code, and was merely acting on language cues.

Is this coming soon as part of

@SatishTata I don't know when this is gonna happend (officially) but meanwhile you can use this third party library:

Is anything regarding this being worked on for .Net Core?

Closing as this is not something we plan to do. Looks like the community has come up with some libraries to support this already.

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