Hey guys,
I love apiary it looks 100 times better than swagger. The only issue that I am having is I just post form data on endpoints. I can't seem to understand how to tell apiary that it's not a JSON in the body of the post. I would love for the attributes to come up just as it would for URI parameters. I like how that looks. I don't want just an empty body section on the endpoint because let's face it users aren't very intelligent. If I can't do this I can just use swagger still and that works just fine.
Please and thank you for any help I can receive.
It was a lug nut... Fixed it!
Is there any way I can get that Authorization "Token" to be dynamic and stored from the 1st authorization endpoint?
Hi @fh-thudson, we do plan to bring MSON to both headers and parameters (currently tracked in https://github.com/apiaryio/api-blueprint-rfcs/pull/3).
As for the question regarding storing an authorization token. Headers in API Blueprint are purely example, the values are not fixed. As for storing headers between requests it sounds like a feature request for any tooling you are using. For example, the Apiary console allows you to mark a header as persistent and then it will be applied to every request made via the console (https://help.apiary.io/tools/interactive-documentation/#persistent-http-headers-in-console).
Does that answer your questions?
Most helpful comment
It was a lug nut... Fixed it!