Api-blueprint: Does APIARY allowed Multiple Host in same project

Created on 8 Mar 2018  路  9Comments  路  Source: apiaryio/api-blueprint


I am trying to add two hosts under the same project.
Host 1 : https://abc.com/
Host 2 : https://efg.com/

Currently I am able to work with one host by using "HOST: https://abc.com" , but I need two hosts configured in the same project. Is there any way to define two hosts in same project?

Thanks in Advance. Please help me out of this.



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Any update on this?

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Also curious about this. We are using multiple test environments and being able to switch between them to find differences is critical.

We're not currently supporting this, but we're working on solutions that will make this possible in future.

Any update on this?

Are there any solutions to this problem already?

Not a public one; we do brainstorm about how to solve this problem and we are not sure multiple HOSTs are the correct solution, as opposed to decoupling design and deployment concerns.

@Almad I will describe my use case to give some feedback in regards to this problem.

Our Apiary use case is purely embedding pretty documentation to our developer dashboard. We are not planning on using any additional functionality, plugins or extensions right now. We use multiple subdomains for different parts of our system (micro services), for example, authentication, billing, statistics, resource retrieval, etc.. As you can see each subdomain is responsible for different domain.

What seems the most attractive about Apiary is the console functionality. You can describe endpoints and end-users can experiment with them through the console. It also adds an option to change languages and copy example code in different languages.

However, without an option to use multiple subdomains, we are left only with a few options:

  • Use different document per micro-service. But then the documentation is scattered across the place. It's hard to follow. And linking between them is not trivial.
  • Do not use the reference at all. Hide the console while embedding the documentation. The drawback is of course not showing console. Then, I am left thinking the next bullet point:
  • Building API documentation design ourselves without using 3rd party.

None of the options seems great. Any recommendation to our case?

There will be a solution for it, but unfortunately I can't talk about it and give timelines because SEC and lawyers :(

Would foreseeable future give sufficient hope?

is there any progress?

Support for host object has been added in API elements primarily to support OAS3 Server Object mapping. Stay tuned for https://help.apiary.io/tools/interactive-documentation-v4/ renderer updates.

I haven't seen any progress for support in API Blueprint though.

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