our api requires that client add an apiKey, signature and timestamp as a query string to every request
so i have to repeat this query part in every resource definition like this
## Client [/clients/{id}?apiKey={apiKey}&signature={signature}&timestamp={timestamp}]
and then parameters
+ Parameters
+ apiKey (required, string, `2961654ce6c3d01c79edc98c8d930d4cc663cda4`)
+ signature (required, string, `213213jjflkjdsfl343k4jjfdsdsf`)
+ timestamp (required, integer, `1443620910`)
since we have endpoints operating on collections and then on single resource, i have to copy paste this for every group at least twice and then modify the url templates which take some additional query params
when you have a lot of resource group this gets quite tedious, and if you add another common required query param, you have to update everything
i suggest adding some commonParams section to the top of blueprint document and these parameters would be then applied to all requests
Hi @bazo, while this isn't currently supported. We do have a proposal for this in https://github.com/apiaryio/api-blueprint-rfcs/pull/3 (https://github.com/apiaryio/api-blueprint-rfcs/blob/zdne/mson-parameters/draft/mson-parameters-headers.md#parameters). It's a planned feature.
Where you can reference and inherit from other parameters.
# Resource [/resource/{client}{?signature,apiKey,timestamp}]
+ Parameters (Authentication)
+ client: foo
# Data Structures
## Authentication (Parameters)
+ apiKey: 2961654ce6c3d01c79edc98c8d930d4cc663cda4
+ signature: 213213jjflkjdsfl343k4jjfdsdsf
+ timestamp: 1443620910 (integer)
I think he has a good question in here:
so i have to repeat this query part in every resource definition like this
@zdne What do you think? Can we do something about repeating of the uri template?
I am really tempted to reopen this issue. I think this issue is more about defining common parameters for more than 1 resource and less about using MSON style syntax.
@zdne Would really love it if you can provide an opinion on this.
Being able to define these in some kind of custom authentication scheme would be ideal. Similar to https://github.com/apiaryio/api-blueprint-rfcs/blob/kylef/authentication-oauth2/draft/authentication-oauth2.md.
That's okay if they are Authentication related parameters. I am talking about other parameters such as page
, per_page
etc.. Basically anything that can be used for all resources.
Would use this as well.
@kylef the link you referenced in your October 1, 2015 comment no longer works. Advice on convenient ways to specify that every endpoint requires an OAuth 2 bearer token would be appreciated.
Any update on this?
Having Parameters
act like Attributes
in their ability to do simple inheritance from a centralised data-structures.md
would make our blueprints code-base much more maintainable/DRY.
Most helpful comment
Any update on this?
act likeAttributes
in their ability to do simple inheritance from a centraliseddata-structures.md
would make our blueprints code-base much more maintainable/DRY.