About the christmas egg in antd, it is derived from my commit https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/commit/00aebeb9756afecc884ad48486084836b9a2707a at Sep 10th. This implementation will make primary button snowy with native tooltip Ho Ho Ho!
at the specificed day of Dec 25th. It is a complete stupid decision of my own and very sorry to everyone that get involved.
Versions would be affected: 3.9.3
、3.10.0 ~ 3.10.9
、3.11.0 ~ 3.11.5
We reverted the related commit and release patches: 3.9.4
you can upgrade to. If you are using semver version, reinstall node_modules
would be ok.
No, I promise. We are open source project, please supervise us like this time, like always.
Be careful next time.bro
pity boy
"projest" is project , be relax
AntDesign should not add feature to original components without developer's agree not only Christmas egg. :(
pity boy
"projest" is project , be relax
老哥你 christmas 还是拼错了。
chrismas -> christmas
decesion -> decision
of my owner -> of my own
projest -> project
and there're too many grammar errors as well...
chrismas -> christmas
decesion -> decision
of my owner -> of my own
projest -> projectand there're too many grammar errors as well...
Are you 秀儿?
our UAT push yesterday got postponed because of this as our client is not a christmas-ish person and we dont want to piss him off. Antd is supposed to be an enterprise UI solution please prevent such things in future or atleast give a headsup. Although! we love u guys! and all the time you help us save. so cheers! and Merry Christmas 👍
作者太紧张了,写了很多语法错误。大家还是手下留情,先把问题解决掉 😂
Merry Christmas 🎅🏻Just upgrade the library and let it go, guys!
A good library, just because of a Christmas egg, sympathy.
Be in awe of Allah
take it easy! big bro, not a big deal.
BTW, Recommend a grammar and spell checker for you, a chrome plugin: Grammarly for Chrome。
I think you could fix your typos first...
No offense bro, but you really need to correct your typos. I think some extensions may be helpful, like Grammarly.
老哥你 christmas 还是拼错了。
Should I submit a pull request to fix your grammar and typo.
my commit 00aebeb [on] Sep 10th
happend -> happened
It is a complete stupid decesion of my owner and very sorry to everyone that get involved. [No. "decesion" is not sorry, you are sorry. And you should always SAY sorry to someone.]
Are there -> Will there be
We are open source projest [No you are not open source nor projest, your project antd is]
Yeah, imagine getting that on production in some serious Bank! >.<
Solve the problem, and Merry Christmas!
you such a PPXIA
chrismas -> christmas
decesion -> decision
of my owner -> of my own
projest -> projectand there're too many grammar errors as well...
What a horrible catastrophe it is.
I was so close to lose my job. Thanks and Marry Christmas.
Marry Christmas.
@zhansingsong Thank you recommend chrome plugin.
Not bad, but need to be controlled by the developer!
Thank you for your rapid solving!
I was pleased that my manager did not get angry and say F word to me in Slack.
Merry Christmas.
I has been fired , thank you, may Santa be with u
The wording of this apology still needs polishing. Anyway, since problem has been solved, let's move on. Merry Christmas!
@EbiEbiEvidence thx,the website just my demo site..
take an easy! big bro, not a big deal.
BTW, Recommend a grammar and spell checker for you, a chrome plugin: Grammarly for Chrome。
take an easy 是啥意思,歇息一下?take it easy
big bro 是另起一句了,应该是 Big bro, ...
Recommend 句内,不应该大写首字母吧
good, be careful next time, take it easy. Merry Christmas .
take an easy! big bro, not a big deal.
BTW, Recommend a grammar and spell checker for you, a chrome plugin: Grammarly for Chrome。
take an easy ->
take it easy
big bro ->
not a big deal ->
it's not a big deal
Recommend ->
I recommend
Foreign friends are much friendlier than our Chinese guys.
anyway, thank you guys for your hard work!
Hmm, I think that this page is not an English classroom...
How about focusing our eyes on codes and features?
老哥你 christmas 还是拼错了。
take an easy! big bro, not a big deal.
BTW, Recommend a grammar and spell checker for you, a chrome plugin: Grammarly for Chrome。take an easy 是啥意思,歇息一下?take it easy
big bro 是另起一句了,应该是 Big bro, ...
Recommend 句内,不应该大写首字母吧
chrismas -> christmas
decesion -> decision
of my owner -> of my own
projest -> projectand there're too many grammar errors as well...
Grammarly is a good tool for making sure everything you typed is right.
Didn't upgrade to the corresponding version, so wasn't impacted by this.
But how could that be merged if it was only your decision? And how you responded to those who raised the issue first was quite ridiculous as well as offensive.
You guys should take it serious on code review, or somebody somewhere in the world would lose his job, that's NOT FUN at all.
Still, Merry Christmas.
Es Yotube tod us: if yo rite anysing un yor coputer, yo ned Gramarly
. Marry Chrismas!
reverence for this issue
惊闻 antd 发生了 圣诞节彩蛋事件,赶紧去检查了一遍所有项目,还好版本都较低没有发生故障,去官网观摩了一下,button 上的云彩的确够惊艳,说到云彩,我就想起筋斗云和孙悟空,明年年初,中美合拍的西游记即将正式开机,我继续扮演美猴王孙悟空,我会用美猴王艺术形象努力创造一个正能量的形象,文体两开花,弘扬中华文化,希望大家多多关注。
I'm in the back row to sell some dvd of sexxxxx~~~
I want to see that egg, can anyone tell me where.....
pity egg~~~
I want to see that egg, can anyone tell me where .....
I want to see that egg, can anyone tell me where .....
Ho HO HO~~~
This egg is so big and so round.
Are there same events happend in future?
惊闻 antd 发生了 圣诞节彩蛋事件,赶紧去检查了一遍所有项目,还好版本都较低没有发生故障,去官网观摩了一下,button 上的云彩的确够惊艳,说到云彩,我就想起筋斗云和孙悟空,明年年初,中美合拍的西游记即将正式开机,我继续扮演美猴王孙悟空,我会用美猴王艺术形象努力创造一个正能量的形象,文体两开花,弘扬中华文化,希望大家多多关注。
are You gAys ookkk ???
惊闻 antd 发生了 圣诞节彩蛋事件,赶紧去检查了一遍所有项目,还好版本都较低没有发生故障,去官网观摩了一下,button 上的云彩的确够惊艳,说到云彩,我就想起筋斗云和孙悟空,明年年初,中美合拍的西游记即将正式开机,我继续扮演美猴王孙悟空,我会用美猴王艺术形象努力创造一个正能量的形象,文体两开花,弘扬中华文化,希望大家多多关注。
@afc163 麻烦关闭一下,这一下午垃圾邮件已经够多了。
Good job!
Most helpful comment
chrismas -> christmas
decesion -> decision
of my owner -> of my own
projest -> project
and there're too many grammar errors as well...