(Feature Idea)
The natural way to handle configuration or other updates that require a rolling restart would be to perform updates in parallel, then notify a handler, which performs a restart with serial
. But this is not possible, requiring either manual rolling restart or ugly hacks. See https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/ansible-project/rBcWzXjt-Xc
This would be great to have for our ansible-ceph deployment scripts!
Looks like there's a bounty for this here: https://www.bountysource.com/issues/26342862-support-for-serial-on-an-individual-task
+1; however the serial needs not to fail the entire play for remaining hosts if all hosts in the current serial fail. I often have to do rolling restarts, one server at a time across 50+ servers. It sucks when the play fails on server 3 because server 3 had some strange unexpected condition that caused the restart to fail. Setting max_failpercent to something higher than 100% should force ansible to continue the play for remaining hosts.
That's a good idea, but should not only go from playbooks to individual tasks but also to blocks, including all dependent options like max_fail_percentage and run_once.
The update-reboot example could explain that easily:
+1 for this.
+1, rolling restarts are useful for distributed systems that are chained all together. For Ceph, we don't want to restart all the storage daemons at the same time because the configuration file changed.
- name: service restart
# serial: 1 would be the proper solution here, but that can only be set on play level
# upstream issue: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/12170
run_once: true
with_items: "[{% for h in play_hosts %}'{{ h }}'{% if not loop.last %} ,{% endif %}{% endfor %}]"
delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
command: "/bin/service restart"
@alvaroaleman thanks for your suggestion however it seems to lead to this bug: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/15103
At least for me, I applied your workaround like so: with_items: "[{% for h in groups[mon_group_name] %}'{{ h }}'{% if not loop.last %} ,{% endif %}{% endfor %}]"
Am I missing something?
Nifty idea. Though with Ansible 1.9, this can be simplified by doing:
with_items: '{{play_hosts}}'
@alvaroaleman thanks for the workaround.
it there any solution for serial: 30%?
Cool idea.
Assumes that a task knows which hosts are running in it OR targets all hosts from the play.
If it's a task in a role (which could have been targeted at anything) this doesn't make sense.
You could make a temporary group, but then you can't run that task twice without targeting some hosts twice.
Considering the way 'serial' and plays work, this is not really something we see adding to Ansible. You have several ways of implementing something similar with existing functionality, many others have been discussed above and elsewhere, so I'm only going to detail the 2 that cover most cases.
- hosts: all
- anything:...
- hosts: all
serial: 1
- singletask:
- hosts: all
- morestuff:...
- mytask: ..
delegate_to: "{{item}}"
run_once: true
# many diff ways to make the loop
with_inventory_hostnames: all
I've been trying to play with a strategy plugin that does this ... but it would have to recreate 1/2 of Ansible core utility to accomplish it and would still have many problems when dealing with other parts of the system (like callbacks).
At this point I don't see any use case not covered by any of the workarounds above and very much doubt that anyone in core will tackle this so I'm going to close this issue.
Of course, if anyone submits code that can add this feature in a sane manner it WILL be considered for inclusion, but I doubt that this is currently possible (or I'm not smart enough to see a way).
@bcoca, I think this it is necessary, you could let this open as something necessary when it'll be easier to implement.
Software features can't be stopped by technical difficulties.
@pando85 You could probably build something close to this with a custom strategy plugin:
@detiber thanks for the info.
Indeed I solved my problem with the workaround posted here.
I have a proxy cache and when I install packages for my cluster I need to install first in one machine, and them with all packages cached I install in the others machines.
- name: Update all packages
# serial: 1 would be the proper solution here, but that can only be set on play level
# upstream issue: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/12170
run_once: true
delegate_to: "{{ play_hosts[0] }}"
yum: name=* state=latest
- yum: name=* state=latest
But I think this feature could be interested for more porpoises and seria:
is the simplest and logical form to accomplish it.
@bcoca We use your 2nd suggestion in our project to accomplish serial=1 behaviour. Only negative aspect is that the summary at the end of the play gets screwed because every ok or change counts towards the first host and not the delegate. Can you think of any solution to that?
We really dont want to use the first suggestion because we have some dependendancies and we would need to include roles in both the beginning and ending play to support the use of tags.
@kami8607 you can try this, not tested with latest ansible though:
- hosts: all
- name: set fact
marker: marker
- name: group by marker
group_by: key=marker
changed_when: no
- name: target task
debug: msg="Performing task on {{ inventory_hostname }}, item is {{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ groups['marker'] }}"
when: "hostvars[item].inventory_hostname == inventory_hostname"
@hryamzik thank you very much! Works like a charm.
(FYI we use ansible
@kami8607 you can also try to replace marker hack with play_hosts
@hryamzik .Very nice, perfect solution for us now. Thank you again :)
Hi. We discovered one problem with the solution provided by @hryamzik.
If the task failes on one of this "pseudo-serial" hosts, the task get executed on the other hosts instead of failing immediately. No matter what we tried we could not skip the playbook directly after the failed host.
Maybe anyone has a solution for us. Thank you
Hi, I believe this really is a crucial feature to safely utilize role dependencies.
In our project, we model most of our plays with the help of role dependencies as it makes for short and easily readable playbooks and avoids duplication.
If I have a role A that depends on role B and it dangerous to update B on multiple hosts simultaneously then as far as I understand the only supported way to achieve this is to set serial: 1
for the play that uses role A. This can be inacceptable when having lots of hosts and lots of roles that depend on B.
We're also using @hryamzik's solution right now, but as @kami8607 said, ansible does not stop when encountering a failure.
Also @bcoca, I don't believe these kinds of workarounds should be the goal when designing a tool such as ansible. There seem to be lots of people with similar use cases that require some solution. As @pando85 said, technical difficulties should not be a reason to close this issue.
It would be really nice if this ticket could be reopened or some other solution could be considered.
A big ol' +1 from me... the way things are set up, it seems like I should be able to enable rolling restarts by adding serial: 1
to any of my restart handlers. Then, any config change, version update, etc. would result in a rolling restart.
Roles are effectively USELESS at large scale without this.
+1 really good idea
Also in support of this. We use roles and in order to use any of the workarounds, we would have to extract just the serialized tasks into the play or a task file included from it, thus breaking role encapsulation.
If the task failes on one of this "pseudo-serial" hosts, the task get executed on the other hosts instead of failing immediately. No matter what we tried we could not skip the playbook directly after the failed host.
@kami8607 I've faced the same issue with failures as rolling updates and restarts require the whole playbook to fail on any error. Solved with any_errors_fatal: true
I also confirm that this solution works with include_tasks
, however check
mode is executed in parallel.
- name: install and configure alive servers
include_tasks: "install_configure.yml"
with_items: "{{ healthy_servers }}"
when: "hostvars[host_item].inventory_hostname == inventory_hostname"
loop_var: host_item
If you look at comments getting 👎 , it's because they're pointless, as their entire content is saying "+1".
There's also a working solution in this thread.
there is a workaround that works for most parts but no solution
There is not a working solution in this thread. While it may work for some, its not a solution.
doesn't work properly (will have gist to back this up later) - my guess is its not the only function that will not perform correctly.
@jonhatalla I don't have any issues with register
, can you share a gist or a repo that doesn't work?
I would like to limit only an artifacts download task (due to some constrains) but to execute the rest of tasks in parallel.
I have come with a proposal after reading comments which still is not working as desired for the download case. Notice that 2 is the maximum number of concurrent tasks executions desired.
- name: Download at ratio three at most
url: http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/100MB.zip
dest: c:/ansible/100MB.zip
force: yes
with_sequence: start=0 end={{ (( play_hosts | length ) / 2 ) | round (0, 'floor') | int }}
when: "(( ansible_play_batch.index(inventory_hostname) % (( play_hosts | length ) / 2 )) | round) == (item | int)"
While this will match the when
on each iteration only if for certain hosts I still can see all the server performing the download at the same time.
Another way of testing it is with debug a message and a add a delay between iterations. This way is clear that only two are executed at each iterations.
- debug:
msg: "Item {{ item }} with modulus {{ (( ansible_play_batch.index(inventory_hostname) % (( play_hosts | length ) / 2 )) | round) }}"
with_sequence: start=0 end={{ (( play_hosts | length ) / 2 ) | round (0, 'floor') | int }}
pause: 2
when: "(( ansible_play_batch.index(inventory_hostname) % (( play_hosts | length ) / 2 )) | round) == (item | int)"
I discovered this issue thread thanks to this SO question
Any idea why the download doesn't seem to work as the debug message does?
At this point I don't see any use case not covered by any of the workarounds above
As previous commenters said, I also see no workaround for handlers restarting services in a cluster where you don't want to restart all nodes at the same time. So there is at least one usecase where there doesn't seem to be a solution... This render handlers in this case totally useless, as handlers are used to restart the services WHEN this is needed only.
And all other workarounds (handling concurrents write on a local hosts file for example) do work but they are so ugly...
Finally, I concurr, closing an issue because it's too big a problem to solve is a bit depressing...
@zwindler you can use tasks instead of handlers. I actually use rolling restarts with API checks. Implemented with include_task, works as expected. You can even try
include_task` directly in handlers but I've no idea if that works or not.
Not really sure I understand what you suggest.
to restart the services, and only do so with a when:
clause to check whether or not a restart has to occur on this node ?serial
with include_task
?- name: install and configure alive servers
include_tasks: "install_configure.yml"
with_items: "{{ healthy_servers }}"
when: "hostvars[host_item].inventory_hostname == inventory_hostname"
loop_var: host_item
in this case serial=1
is simulated for all the tasks inside install_configure.yml
how has healthy_servers been defined? how is it used in the workaround? i dont see it being referenced. I want a serial task to apply to all hosts that the playbook is being ran against.
@erpadmin why don't you use play_hosts
in this case?
Hi all,
we have detected similar issue and we can not pass the argument and use in the playbook:
serial: ${serial_mode}
but if fails with:
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'serial_mode'
it seems to point to this bug but would like to clarify:
thanks for your help and please keep us posted.
best regards, Pablo.
yes, also tried with this and same issue.
thanks, Pablo.
On 01/08/2018 11:02, Johannes Najjar wrote:
have you tried {{ serial_mode }}
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It seems to me that the run once + loop + delegate (limited to serial=1 behavior):
approach does not work on an include_tasks
statement when the inventory has two "inventory hosts", with each host having the same value for ansible_host
Given two inventory hosts with the same ansible_host
, the approach _does run twice_; however, both iterations are against the same host.
There is a major problem with most of the proposed workarounds is CPU and memory usage, as well as massive deployment slowdowns. The method of checking that the inventory_hostname == item
in a with_items
loop is O(n^2), which combined with a large number of hosts can balloon memory and CPU load greatly.
With 200 hosts, I've seen ansible use 20GB of ram and 70 load avg just to serialize an include_tasks
block. That particular task took several minutes just to decide which hosts to include.
Anyone is invited to test #42528 for their use-cases, and add a :+1: to the PR if you approve.
Most helpful comment
@bcoca, I think this it is necessary, you could let this open as something necessary when it'll be easier to implement.
Software features can't be stopped by technical difficulties.