I'm getting this error when try to navigate to 'http://localhost:4200/dashboard' lazy loading route in angualr, angualr-cli 6.0.0
ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Cannot find module "app/dashboard/dashboard.module". Error: Cannot find module "app/dashboard/dashboard.module". at $_lazy_route_resource lazy namespace object:5
const routes: Routes = [
path: 'login',
loadChildren: 'app/login/login.module#LoginModule',
path: '',
component: MasterComponent,
children: [
path: 'dashboard',
loadChildren: 'app/dashboard/dashboard.module#DashboardModule'
path: '**',
redirectTo: 'login
imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
exports: [RouterModule],
providers: []
export class AppRoutingModule {
this will work
What about relative parent? '../' is not working anymore :(
I had the same problem then stumbled across this article: https://angular.io/guide/router#module-import-order-matters.
Also look at the example (links at the top of the article) it shows different techniques to import Modules.
HerosModule is loaded eagerly
CrisisCenterModule is loaded lazily
To solve the problem:
Using an absolute path value for 'loadChildren' still works for me:
loadChildren: 'app/dashboard/dashboard.module#DashboardModule'
had the same issue, and @sluglit had the solution with "_Move the *RoutingModule to the bottom of the list of imports_" ! Nothing related to the 2 other bullet points, at least on my side.
Edited, thanks to @filipesilva 馃憦
a) Using relative path loadChildren: './...
b) Using absolute path starting with loadChildren: 'src/app/...
c) tsconfig.app.json --> BaseUrl: "./"
Actually, the problem comes from typescript config.
Before NG 6, the scaffold generated by CLI set the BaseUrl
in tsconfig.app.json
which is located inside /src
. Currently, it is set by tsconfig.json
located outside /src
, but continues pointing to ./
. Because of this, loadChildren path to module should be relative or include src folder.
Angular CLI: 6.0.3
Node: 8.11.1
OS: darwin x64
Angular: 6.0.2
@Ricard Thanks you!! I solved the issue with your solution.
@Ricard also opened an issue about this in https://github.com/angular/devkit/issues/969, and it includes a simple repro that I will use for my response https://github.com/Ricard/ng6-lazyload-issue-evidence.
There's a couple parts to this issue. Yes it is all about baseUrl
as that is how non-relative paths in typescript are resolved from. In Angular CLI 6 projects the baseUrl
is ./
, whereas in Angular CLI 1.x it was ./src/
But we also never recommended using imports like loadChildren: 'app/mod/mod.module#ModModule'
. The recommended approach is to always use a relative path, such as loadChildren: './mod/mod.module#ModModule'
We did change the baseUrl
for new projects in Angular CLI 6, and this was done purposefully. Angular CLI 6 supports multiple projects and it does not make a lot of sense to use src/
as baseUrl
in that case.
If you have multiple projects and each of them has their own baseUrl
, you're going to need a very specific file setup for that to work for both builds and for your editor. This is not trivial.
You can try to change the baseUrl
for your workspace if you're sure you're never going to have other projects though. But as a default we try to be safe for multiple types of usage.
@filipesilva I saw your commit https://github.com/angular/devkit/commit/33af719bad1d34cca814f59ab3c0796204af9c39
The property has moved from tsconfig.app.json
to src/tsconfig.json
file, but not it's value ./
, therefore newly generated v6 apps by CLI wont be able to find lazy load modules with paths defined as lazy load documentation.
I suggest this change. It preserves baseUrl: "./"
on tsconfig.json
and each project have its tsconfig.app.json
that overwrites baseUrl
property. I hope this is aligned with the multiprojects approach and tooling.
If you prefere to use relative url for loadChildren
, It should be updated on documentation and tutorial.
@Ricard you are right that the documentation on Angular.io shows a non-relative path. I am discussing this with the docs folks. Parts of the docs are not yet aligned with Angular CLI and I suspect this is one of them.
@dalu - thanks for tip. it worked for me
In previous versions loadChildren path support with 'app/path/to/module#Module' but it's not working anymore, instead of that use relative path './path/to/module#Module'
example also has been changed 3 days ago with Angular 6 releasehttps://github.com/angular/angular/commit/f44a2c730a84cd86695d1851395ad28423704bd0
Angular community has been responding to the issue which I raised, Please find the responses below.
According to responses of angular community they will update document.
usage need to change from
const routes: Routes = [
path: 'customers',
loadChildren: 'app/customers/customers.module#CustomersModule'
path: 'orders',
loadChildren: 'app/orders/orders.module#OrdersModule'
path: '',
redirectTo: '',
pathMatch: 'full'
const routes: Routes = [
path: 'customers',
loadChildren: './customers/customers.module#CustomersModule'
path: 'orders',
loadChildren: './orders/orders.module#OrdersModule'
path: '',
redirectTo: '',
pathMatch: 'full'
One other tip:
Module import order matters
Remove the lazy loading module in app.module. It will work.
I am having the similar issue, I have followed all the comments mentioned in this issue.
But still it doesn't work for me.
I have followed steps given at https://update.angular.io/ After upgrading to Angular 6, application shows blank white screen for all the routes. And also there is no error shown in browser console. Each route redirects to default path http://localhost:4200. But http://localhost:4200/admin is working fine.
I have asked question here.
@bigbharatjain - I had a very similar issue, my problem was because I forgot to remove the Import of my lazy module from my "AppComponent"
I had:
And changed it to
I had to remove "StockListModule" from the imports array in app.module.ts
Not sure if this will help anyone but what I've noticed on my specific project was that if I add a space in my route, it seems to compile without issues.
const routes: Routes = [
path: '',
children: [
path: ' ', loadChildren: './app/main/main.module#MainModule'
However, if the path is '' it will have trouble finding MainModule.
I had a very similar issue and work by adding src
path: 'heroes',
loadChildren: 'src/app/heroes/heroes.module#HeroesModule'
Why does this seems to change very often?
I mean, one day the relative path method seems to work, and then the next day with the newly create project, it doesn't works anymore and I have to resort to the absolute path method instead.
What is going on here?
Running ng serve with HMR I have observed the following: The initial compile will not build the chunk for the lazy loaded module and compilation fails with the reported error "cannot find module". If I modify anything which forces a HMR recompile, the chunk for the lazy loaded route is created and the route now works correctly.
@Steveiwonder Thanks a lot. Your solution worked for me.
I have solve the issue by updating angular cli and other packages to latest version by checking it through ng udpate
Name Version Command to update
@angular/cli 6.0.8 -> 6.1.5 ng update @angular/cli
@angular/core 6.1.0 -> 6.1.4 ng update @angular/core
@angular/material 6.4.2 -> 6.4.6 ng update @angular/material
Hi folks
I try following it working.
path: 'customers',
loadChildren: 'src/app/customers/customers.module#CustomersModule'
path: 'orders',
loadChildren: 'src/app/orders/orders.module#OrdersModule'
I try following code also, it working
path: 'customers',
loadChildren: './customers/customers.module#CustomersModule'
path: 'orders',
loadChildren: './orders/orders.module#OrdersModule'
so question is which is better approach as feature prospective ?
didn't work for me :-1:
I'm getting a similar error after upgrading from Angular 5 to 6:
Router Event: NavigationError
platform-browser.js:211 NavigationError(id: 4, url: '/ping', error: TypeError: undefined is not a function)
ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: undefined is not a function
TypeError: undefined is not a function
Utilizing this syntax has worked for me locally
Before (didn't work):
{ path: 'bing', loadChildren: './bing/bing.module#BingModule' }
After (does work):
{ path: 'bing', loadChildren: () => BingModule}
Though when I upload to Heroku I am getting the error again (I am using Express for deployment). The strange part is the old syntax works with Express.... what is going on?!
Angular CLI: 6.1.5
Angular: 6.1.6
Node: 8.11.4
Hopefully this may help someone Angular5.x lazyLoad problem, undefined is not a function #23412
When upgrading from Angular 5 to Angular 6 or Angular 7, we had the following errors from lazily-loaded modules, after the upgrade:
Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Loading chunk default~[long module name with key suffix] failed.
The solution was to convert ALL our routes from the format
{ path: 'xyz', loadChildren: 'pathtomodule#ModuleName' }
to the lambda expression format
{ path: 'xyz', loadChildren: () => ModuleName }
@Peter2090 did you run into a "Maximum call stack size exceeded" with the latter of the two approaches? I just started a new Angular 7 project and can't get routing to work with any of the normal (or abnormal) module approaches. Tried what you mentioned, along with the relative path approach, absolute path approach, and all three with and without importing the module in the App Module (I realize it shouldn't be there, figured I'd do my due diligence and test it though).
No...the second approach fixed our 'Error: Loading chunk' errors. It sounds like you have a circular reference. Is there a circular reference in the module imports somehow?
I've been searching nonstop for a circular reference, but this is literally the first module/route. There's all of like 3 and half lines of code.
All I can suggest is cutting everything out from your project apart from one module to lazy load, but you seem to have done that.
I'm getting a similar error after upgrading from Angular 5 to 6:
Router Event: NavigationError
platform-browser.js:211 NavigationError(id: 4, url: '/ping', error: TypeError: undefined is not a function)
ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: undefined is not a function
TypeError: undefined is not a functionUtilizing this syntax has worked for me locally
Before (didn't work):
{ path: 'bing', loadChildren: './bing/bing.module#BingModule' }
After (does work):
{ path: 'bing', loadChildren: () => BingModule}
Though when I upload to Heroku I am getting the error again (I am using Express for deployment). The strange part is the old syntax works with Express.... what is going on?!
Angular CLI: 6.1.5
Angular: 6.1.6
Node: 8.11.4
After many days trying to find a solution, this worked!!
But sorry @benmartink if you do like this { path: 'bing', loadChildren: () => BingModule}
the lazy module code is loaded in main bundle. The import break the lazy load beaviour (webpack add this in main chunk not in the lazy one)
@filipesilva Please can you clarify if we need the baseUrl in the sub tsconfig ? Thanks :)
Hi @gcirone , yeah you right. I made an architecture where it loads the way you are saying. The only problem I had was that when upgraded angular and several modules related to it, it started to display the error 'Cannot find module "app/xyz/xyz.module". at $_lazy_route_resource lazy'. So, I tried several suggestions found on internet but no one helped until this one!
Btw, I needed to upgrade angular because I wanted to use Angular Materials Design.
I have found that I have small bug inside HTML. I have found it during generation of translation files with command "ng xi18n". After fixing all compilation errors my lazy loading starts working. That error wasn't visible during normal work.
I solved the issue by adding in the angular.json
file the lazyModules property and map the same url in the router configuration.
I have to say thanks to Angular guys because now we can load the lazy module direct from the node_modules folder. LOVE IT 馃
@gcirone :100: Where were you when i faced the same problem. After lots of tries and waste of time
I came to same solution.
This is best solution available by @gcirone
I hope there should be a direct channel to talk to angular guys who will say, STOP man you are doing this wrong. This is how we have created it and this is how you gonna use it.
this will work
Actually, I tried in this way. I'm facing an error
I wasted way too much time on this only to realize that since I'm using Webpack without the Angular CLI I had to add angular-router-loader to the configuration for it to work and generate the chunks.
Hoping someone else that comes around here, or those that have resorted to using => may find this useful.
I have faced a similar problem twice so far and have ended here both times. So I'm just gonna leave this here for the next time I stumble upon the same problem.
I had a problem where the lazy loaded module was not found, but sometimes after changing any of the files which triggered rebuild, it started working.
The problem was an unexported function inside app.module which was actually not used anywhere else (once it was a urlmatcher, and the other time a factory function used in a provider). Both times were solved by adding export before the function declaration.
@izakgl: thanks a lot!
I am certain you just saved me a lot of time.
Adding export to my loadConfig factory function (APP_INITIALIZER) solved the error with the lazy loaded modules:
export function loadConfig(config: ConfigService): () => Promise<boolean> { ... }
Path in app-routing.modules looks like:
path: 'dashboard',
loadChildren: './dashboard/dashboard.module#DashboardModule',
If someone of you is working with Nx monorepo, then please check this answer.
I was facing the same issue. i found there could be two case for such problem.
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this will work