ng --version
angular-cli: 0.0.39
node: 4.4.3
os: win32 x64
node --version
npm --version
npm info angular-cli
{ name: 'angular-cli',
{ modified: '2016-05-04T16:29:23.054Z',
created: '2014-10-07T04:34:38.078Z',
'1.0.0': '2014-10-07T04:34:38.078Z',
'0.0.0': '2014-10-11T11:38:24.914Z',
'0.0.1': '2015-08-03T17:12:04.553Z',
'0.0.2': '2015-10-18T17:46:40.146Z',
'0.0.3': '2015-10-18T21:42:52.445Z',
'0.0.4': '2015-10-19T01:14:13.216Z',
'0.0.5': '2015-10-19T09:14:01.712Z',
'0.0.6': '2015-10-19T09:36:51.644Z',
'0.0.7': '2015-10-19T11:48:24.233Z',
'0.0.8': '2015-10-19T11:51:59.318Z',
'0.0.9': '2015-10-19T21:18:13.725Z',
'0.0.10': '2015-10-19T22:18:13.091Z',
'0.0.11': '2015-11-03T05:03:06.345Z',
'0.0.12': '2015-11-15T10:10:48.551Z',
'0.0.13': '2015-12-04T17:16:43.662Z',
'0.0.14': '2015-12-05T01:40:39.377Z',
'0.0.15': '2015-12-05T05:50:59.226Z',
'0.0.16': '2015-12-10T12:23:28.722Z',
'0.0.17': '2015-12-14T19:37:08.400Z',
'0.0.18': '2015-12-15T12:51:47.990Z',
'0.0.19': '2015-12-15T18:23:33.077Z',
'0.0.20': '2015-12-15T20:39:55.357Z',
'0.0.22': '2016-02-20T00:36:56.908Z',
'0.0.23': '2016-02-20T01:44:13.897Z',
'0.0.24': '2016-02-25T17:41:20.619Z',
'0.0.25': '2016-03-10T02:10:05.410Z',
'0.0.26': '2016-03-23T00:39:46.402Z',
'0.0.27': '2016-03-23T22:05:56.538Z',
'0.0.28': '2016-03-28T22:39:45.766Z',
'0.0.29': '2016-03-30T18:10:47.060Z',
'0.0.30': '2016-04-06T22:27:32.015Z',
'0.0.31': '2016-04-11T18:20:32.677Z',
'0.0.33': '2016-04-19T22:31:48.209Z',
'0.0.34': '2016-04-26T17:56:20.524Z',
'0.0.37': '2016-05-03T18:49:21.731Z',
'0.0.39': '2016-05-04T16:29:23.054Z' },
[ 'angularcore
'rodyhaddad [email protected]' ],
description: 'CLI tool for Angular',
[ '0.0.0',
'0.0.39' ],
'dist-tags': { latest: '0.0.39' },
readmeFilename: '',
homepage: '',
keywords: [],
{ type: 'git',
url: 'git+' },
author: 'Angular Authors',
bugs: { url: '' },
license: 'MIT',
[ 'Rody Haddad [email protected] (',
'Igor Minar [email protected]' ],
users: { altrim: true, seachange: true },
version: '0.0.39',
main: 'lib/cli/index.js',
trackingCode: 'UA-8594346-19',
bin: { ng: './bin/ng' },
scripts: { test: 'node tests/runner', lint: 'eslint .' },
engines: { node: '>= 4.1.0' },
{ broccoli: '^1.0.0-beta.7',
'broccoli-caching-writer': '^2.2.1',
'broccoli-concat': '^2.2.0',
'broccoli-funnel': '^1.0.1',
'broccoli-merge-trees': '^1.1.1',
'broccoli-source': '^1.1.0',
'broccoli-writer': '^0.1.1',
chalk: '^1.1.3',
'ember-cli': '2.5.0',
'ember-cli-string-utils': '^1.0.0',
exit: '^0.1.2',
'fs-extra': '^0.30.0',
glob: '^7.0.3',
leek: '0.0.21',
lodash: '^4.11.1',
opn: '4.0.1',
resolve: '^1.1.7',
shelljs: '^0.7.0',
'silent-error': '^1.0.0',
'symlink-or-copy': '^1.0.3',
'systemjs-builder': '^0.15.16',
typescript: '^1.8.10',
typings: '^0.8.1' },
'ember-addon': { paths: [ './addon/ng2/' ] },
{ chai: '^3.5.0',
'clang-format': '^1.0.38',
eslint: '^2.8.0',
'exists-sync': '0.0.3',
minimatch: '^3.0.0',
mocha: '^2.4.5',
'mock-fs': '^3.8.0',
'object-assign': '^4.0.1',
rewire: '^2.5.1',
sinon: '^1.17.3',
through: '^2.3.8',
tslint: '^3.8.1',
'walk-sync': '^0.2.6' },
gitHead: '8a15f90ccc6783196069325cd9249326424275b0',
{ shasum: '89f55716f31a6e517f6404a6fd7f360292c893ed',
tarball: '' },
directories: {} }
c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test>ng serve
Running without elevated rights. Running Ember CLI "as Administrator" increases performance significantly.
See for details.
Livereload server on http://localhost:49154
Serving on http://localhost:4200/
The Broccoli Plugin: [BroccoliTypeScriptCompiler] failed with:
Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, symlink 'c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\tmp\broccoli_type_script_compiler-cache_path-EyQJV
SXC.tmp\src\app\' -> 'c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\tmp\broccoli_type_script_compiler-out
Full log:
c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test>ng serve
Running without elevated rights. Running Ember CLI "as Administrator" increases performance significantly.
See for details.
Livereload server on http://localhost:49154
Serving on http://localhost:4200/
The Broccoli Plugin: [BroccoliTypeScriptCompiler] failed with:
Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, symlink 'c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\tmp\broccoli_type_script_compiler-cache_path-EyQJV
SXC.tmp\src\app\' -> 'c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\tmp\broccoli_type_script_compiler-out
at Error (native)
at Object.fs.symlinkSync (fs.js:897:18)
at BroccoliTypeScriptCompiler._outputFile (c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\node_modules\angular-cli\lib\broccoli\broccoli-type
at c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\node_modules\angular-cli\lib\broccoli\broccoli-typescript.js:108:18
at Array.forEach (native)
at c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\node_modules\angular-cli\lib\broccoli\broccoli-typescript.js:107:30
at Array.forEach (native)
at BroccoliTypeScriptCompiler._doIncrementalBuild (c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\node_modules\angular-cli\lib\broccoli\brocc
at (c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\node_modules\angular-cli\lib\broccoli\broccoli-typescript
at c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\node_modules\angular-cli\node_modules\broccoli-caching-writer\index.js:152:21
at lib$rsvp$$internal$$tryCatch (c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\node_modules\angular-cli\node_modules\broccoli-caching-writer
at lib$rsvp$$internal$$invokeCallback (c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\node_modules\angular-cli\node_modules\broccoli-caching-
at lib$rsvp$$internal$$publish (c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\node_modules\angular-cli\node_modules\broccoli-caching-writer\
at lib$rsvp$asap$$flush (c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\node_modules\angular-cli\node_modules\broccoli-caching-writer\node_mo
at nextTickCallbackWith0Args (node.js:420:9)
at process._tickCallback (node.js:349:13)
The broccoli plugin was instantiated at:
at BroccoliTypeScriptCompiler.Plugin (c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\node_modules\angular-cli\node_modules\broccoli-caching-w
at BroccoliTypeScriptCompiler.CachingWriter as constructor
at BroccoliTypeScriptCompiler (c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\node_modules\angular-cli\lib\broccoli\broccoli-typescript.js:27
at Angular2App._getTsTree (c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\node_modules\angular-cli\lib\broccoli\angular2-app.js:280:18)
at Angular2App._buildTree (c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\node_modules\angular-cli\lib\broccoli\angular2-app.js:101:23)
at new Angular2App (c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\node_modules\angular-cli\lib\broccoli\angular2-app.js:42:23)
at module.exports (c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\angular-cli-build.js:6:10)
at Class.module.exports.Task.extend.setupBroccoliBuilder (c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\node_modules\angular-cli\node_module
at Class.module.exports.Task.extend.init (c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\node_modules\angular-cli\node_modules\angular-cli\li
at new Class (c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\node_modules\angular-cli\node_modules\angular-cli\node_modules\core-object\core-
at (c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\node_modules\angular-cli\node_modules\angular-cli\lib
at c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\node_modules\angular-cli\node_modules\angular-cli\lib\commands\serve.js:64:24
at lib$rsvp$$internal$$tryCatch (c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\node_modules\angular-cli\node_modules\angular-cli\node_module
at lib$rsvp$$internal$$invokeCallback (c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\node_modules\angular-cli\node_modules\angular-cli\node_
at lib$rsvp$$internal$$publish (c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\node_modules\angular-cli\node_modules\angular-cli\node_modules
at lib$rsvp$asap$$flush (c:\Workspaces\angular2-cli-test\node_modules\angular-cli\node_modules\angular-cli\node_modules\rsvp\d
:+1: I am also getting the same error on the same version. Need help on this.
You guys need to run ng serve
inside a cmd with administrator privileges. or whatever comandline you use, but with admin rights.
+1 same problem, Windows 10 x64 no admin rights
npm -v
node -v
ng -v
angular-cli: 0.0.39
This should be doable without admin rights...
no admin rights ... and I will never get admin rights due to the security restrictions/policy in the company.
+1 same here on Windows 10.
Running console as an administrator "solves" the problem but this is not a real solution.
Actually, this is the solution. Unfortunately, Windows does not allow to create symbolic links outside of administrator. Broccoli, which we're using to build the app, uses symlinks to save time when copying large amount of files.
There's nothing we can do _for now_, but we know about the issue and we're looking at potential solutions.
Closing this but feel free to continue the discussion.
Sadly this makes it impossible to use at work for a lot of people.
this is very sad.. admin rights are not possible in corporate environments. maybe this whole thing is made for startups where they have all sorts of rights :)
See for instructions on allowing symlinks on Windows for non-administrators. In corporate environments this can easily be set using Group Policy for developers.
The warning Running without elevated rights. Running Ember CLI "as Administrator" increases performance significantly.
will still be displayed, however performance is no longer impacted and the error will not be encountered.
This may be worth mentioning in the README, as it is a better solution that unnecessarily running with admins rights.
Would it be possible for BroccoliTypeScriptCompiler to check if it is running under Windows without Admin rights and display a related message? Otherwise it can be confusing to try and debug the code file it points to.
We solved this issue for us using this little patch of file angular-cli/lib/broccoli/broccoli-typescript.js in line 206:
try {
fs.symlinkSync(absoluteFilePath, outputFilePath);
} catch(e) {
const conentStr = fs.readFileSync(absoluteFilePath);
fs.writeFileSync(outputFilePath, conentStr);
It runs little slower than creating symlink, but still it's totally fine for us. Probably one can also use a more performing way for synchronous copying files using node (?).
@ludwighunecke I tried doing what you suggested, but now I'm getting an error that broccolitypescriptcompiler can't find browser.d.ts
@alexkibler I just did what @ludwighunecke suggested and it works.. I did it at the project level..
@shawmjustin I'm all good now too. turns out our corporate firewall blocked the typings install
, so after I made a .typingsrc
to allow insecure connections, I was installing with my globally installed version of typings
, which is different from the one in cli
I ran the installed typings install
and now I'm all good.
Azure doesn't allow the creation of symbolic links. Anyone have any luck getting "ng server" to work on Azure? I've modified the broccoli-typescript.js file to no avail. non of the "ng" commands seem to work in Azure because of the "EPERM" error.
There has to be a better solution. Requiring admin right is something that is going to make angular-cli unusable and impractical in our environment.
@slowtrailrunner use solution by @ludwighunecke. It works whether you have admin rights or not.
@slowtrailrunner I created a pull request to correct the issue but is still pending...
@shawmjustin thanks. That definitely works.
@leader80 does your PR address the performance, or is that just a Windowz problem?
@slowtrailrunner is adessing the reported issue, i.e not able to use the CLI without administrator rights.
Thanks to @leader80, this was solved in Admin permissions are no longer needed - but the initial build will take longer. Subsequent rebuilds are faster though.
This was actually one of the big turn offs of ember-cli for me... that angular-cli should _be like_ ember cli in terms of feaures, :+1: ... that it should be _built on top of_ ember cli doesn't follow, from my point of view. :-1:
@ludwighunecke thanks man , it works great
i had the same error and i fixed that just by running the command line as Administrator
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Most helpful comment
no admin rights ... and I will never get admin rights due to the security restrictions/policy in the company.