Android-universal-image-loader: De/Encoding for File URI image load problem

Created on 25 Feb 2013  Â·  18Comments  Â·  Source: nostra13/Android-Universal-Image-Loader

For an image file: /storage/sdcard0/groupurchase/cache/

imageLoader tries to load an decoded file path which is incorrect:

02-25 13:20:51.085: E/ImageLoader(27155): /storage/sdcard0/groupurchase/cache/http:/ open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

It should keep the encoded string as it is, and read by stream.

The problem is caused by imageloader code below:

final class ImageLoadingInfo {
    public ImageLoadingInfo(String uri, ImageView imageView, ImageSize targetSize, DisplayImageOptions options, ImageLoadingListener listener, ReentrantLock loadFromUriLock) {
        this.uri = Uri.encode(uri, "@#&=*+-_.,:!?()/~'%");

All 18 comments

No, this is not the reason of problem. Actually I can't catch the problem in debug.
Are you sure your file is really exists?

Yes. the file exists...
Phone 4.2.1, GT-I9100, CyanogenMod

Another example:

The value passing in


Exception thrown by loader:

03-01 09:40:21.880: E/ImageLoader(13598): /storage/sdcard0/picasa_tool/google%2520plus-1.jpg: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
03-01 09:40:21.880: E/ImageLoader(13598): /storage/sdcard0/picasa_tool/google%2520plus-1.jpg: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

adb shell ls

shell@android:/storage/sdcard0/picasa_tool $ ls goo*
ls goo*


"25" was removed by imageloader.
google%252520plus-1.jpg --> google%2520plus-1.jpg

I'll try ti fix it.

Still having this issue even with your changes, I'm also on CM10 4.2.2 (Samsung Vibrant).

Do you use snapshot jar?

I always grab a zip and build the lib on my own.

Show me please your config, display options and URI of file which you pass to displayImage(...) method.

        //Config ImageLoader
        DisplayImageOptions.Builder lBuilder = new DisplayImageOptions.Builder();
        lBuilder.bitmapConfig(Integer.parseInt(mPrefs.getString(PrefsActivity.KEY_APP_BITMAP_TYPE, "0")) == 0 ? Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 : Bitmap.Config.RGB_565);

        if (mPrefs.getBoolean(
                PrefsActivity.KEY_APP_MEMCACHE_ENABLED_PREFERENCE, true))
        if (mPrefs.getBoolean(
                PrefsActivity.KEY_APP_DISCCACHE_ENABLED_PREFERENCE, true))

        mDisplayOptions =;

        // Create configuration for ImageLoader
        ImageLoaderConfiguration config = new ImageLoaderConfiguration.Builder(this)
        .discCache(new UnlimitedDiscCache(StorageHelper.getCacheDir()))
        .build(); // --

String lCoverURL = "file:///"+ lCoverFile.getAbsolutePath();

URI = file:////storage/sdcard0/My Manga Reader/Naruto/cover.png

03-10 12:24:43.448: E/ImageLoader(5349): /storage/sdcard0/My%20Manga%20Reader/Cache/1526703973: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
03-10 12:24:43.448: E/ImageLoader(5349): /storage/sdcard0/My%20Manga%20Reader/Cache/1526703973: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
03-10 12:24:43.448: E/ImageLoader(5349):    at
03-10 12:24:43.448: E/ImageLoader(5349):    at<init>(
03-10 12:24:43.448: E/ImageLoader(5349):    at<init>(
03-10 12:24:43.448: E/ImageLoader(5349):    at

Yes, I see the problem and I'll think about a solution. I guess ImageDownloader is needed in API changes but I really want to avoid it.

At this moment I can recommend you to avoid using of spaces (" ") in your file paths.

Thanks Sergey, I'll just use 1.8.0 for now, sorry for the trouble.
On Mar 10, 2013 3:22 PM, "Sergey Tarasevich" [email protected]

Yes, I see the problem and I'll think about a solution. I guess
ImageDownloader is needed in API changes but I really want to avoid it.

At this moment I can recommend you to avoid using of spaces (" ") in your
file paths.

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Actually this isn't (fully) fixed. I'm using 1.9.3 and get the above error when loading images from sdcard from a directory containing whitespaces (%20).

And what URI string do you pass into ImageLoader?


You should pass "/sdcard/Android/data/my.package/files/Pictures/directory containing whitespaces/some_image.jpg"

Aight, that's why you changed it from Uri to String ...
An overloaded constructor w/ Uri would be great. Error happend due to using Uri.toString() which gives me %20 for whitespaces instead of the whitespace. Or it should be mentioned that %20 (and others) do not work (is it noted somewhere already?)

Replacing white space with %20 is working fine for me

Replacing %20 by space works fine.

String strUri = uri.toString();
strUri = strUri.replace("%20", " ");
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