Amqp: Publish method does not return "confirms.Published" counter(deliveryTag)

Created on 29 Sep 2020  ·  9Comments  ·  Source: streadway/amqp

I have a listener registered through NotifyPublish and it is asynchronously getting confirmation and if ack=false then I republish the message or act upon it, but I get delivery tag from this listener channel and I do not know which payload this delivery tag is of.

While looks like we can return the which looks like the delivery tag for the given channel, but we are ignoring it in Publish method

All 9 comments

Hi @kamal-github

I was wondering the same, until I remembered that confirmations are sent on the channel where I publish, only for what I publish on that channel...

ie. confirmation notification with DeliveryTag=1 is for the first message you published on the channel, etc... It's easy to keep track of it (but I agree, Publish could have returned that counter).

@chrisDeFouRire I am worried about maintaing the same counter which might have concurency issue. How about adding a method like Java client has. getNextSequenceNumber() ?

@kamal-github I like your solution, though I can only give it my vote 👍

This client uses a really conservative approach when it comes to even theoretically breaking public API changes. Exposing a sequence counter reader — is the way to go.

Please submit a PR that introduces a new function that returns the counter, or a doc update if it already exists. Breaking Channel.Publish modifications (such as the return value) are out of the question for this client.

@michaelklishin I think that's exactly what PR #478 (by kamal-github) does

@michaelklishin As @chrisDeFouRire mentioned that I have already created the PR for this. Please review. :)


When merging it.

@michaelklishin As @chrisDeFouRire mentioned that #478 I have already created the PR for this. Please review. :)

When merging it

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